Life is full of wonderful surprises, some are obvious blessings and others take a while to reveal the beauty they bring to our world. But too often our time is consumed spinning, racing to win some silly undefined race….leaving us oblivious to life’s blessings and opportunities until we are either hit upside the head rendering us dumbfounded that it took us so long to wake up, or until it's too late and the door has closed.
Time is the most precious commodity we possess, if we do indeed posses it rather than it possessing us. This year I realized that in a blink of an eye my spirited curly haired, dimpled toddler had turned into a vibrant, beautiful, intelligently quirky young lady. I simultaneously understood at that moment that the time I have left to teach her life’s most important lessons is dwindling. So I decided to take the leap of faith in myself, to trust my instincts and Carpe Diem…and ABK Interiors was born.
For the last twenty some years it has been my dream start my own business, to ply my trade as an interior designer and build it from nothing into everything I believed it could be. Now as I enter this new and exciting chapter in my career and life, I have the opportunity to teach my daughter that risk is just another word for taking a gutsy opportunity, for bravely taking a chance and believing in yourself. I have the opportunity to share my God given talents and passion for what I do with the world, fulfilling my professional aspirations. I have the opportunity to stop spinning, to take a breath and be kind, polite and be the change in the world we all want to see. Sometimes a new beginning in one aspect of life can truly be the gateway to making other even more important changes in your life.